2018 Annual Conference, Canberra

Each year the Australian Society for Quantitative Political Science holds an annual conference to address the latest scholarship in quantitative political science. The 7th Annual Conference will be held at the Australian National University in Canberra, from 10-11 December. The conference will be preceded by a methods workshop on Sunday 9 December. Please use the following link to view a draft conference program

Conference program
Location: Sir Roland Wilson Building, ANU
More information on the conference location can be found here.

Canberra is the national capital of Australia. Located just three hours drive from the country’s largest city Sydney, and sitting at the northern edge of the Australian Alps, Canberra is centred on Lake Burley Griffin and the Australian Parliament, and surrounded by forested hills, providing a unique setting for the Society’s next conference.

Our keynote speaker will be Sona Golder, Professor of Political Science at the Pennsylvania State University. She is an expert in political institutions, in particular pre-electoral coalitions, government formation, and elections. Her research has been published in many of the discipline’s leading journals, including the American Journal of Political Science, the British Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and Political Analysis. Professor Golder is the co-editor for the British Journal of Political Science, an associate editor for Research & Politics, and is serving on the editorial boards for the American Political Science Review, Comparative Political Studies, and Political Science Research and Methods. She was the organizer and host for the 4th Annual Visions in Methodology (VIM) Conference, serves as a VIM mentor for female graduate students and junior faculty, and served as a member of the diversity committee for APSA’s Political Methodology Section.

Registration is now closed. 


The 2018 ASQPS annual conference is hosted by
the Australian National University.


The ASQPS and the 2018 annual conference are supported by the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney.